Friday, September 2, 2011

Christchurch City CBD

So I'm pretty much a Lady of Leisure of late so nothing really exciting is happing in my life at this point thats worth blogging about. However a Emma (for those who know her) showed me these videos. Its of our CBD here in Christchurch or as it is know the Red Zone. Since 22nd February 2011 this area had been in lock down and out of bounds for the general public. Over the last 6 months or so the Red Zone has gotten smaller but we are still a city without a CBD. All the empty sections you can see did use to have a building but they have been demolished. Its a sobering though when you see your own Military guarding the heart of the city. The 4th September Earthquake in 2010 (its almost a years since the first one) saw the New Zealand army deployed for the first time in one of our cities. The February quake was the first time a foreign military was deployed in New Zealand including the first time that a foreign police force was sworn in as New Zealand police (about 300 Australian Police) to help take the pressure of our police.

But I guess in a few years those streets will be busy again with annoyed people stuck in rush our traffic and all the empty sections will be filled with shiny new buildings and the scars of the earthquake will be very hard to find. Anyways have a look at the videos if you wish.

Till Later