Thursday, July 7, 2011

Books and the Cosmo's

So as most of my darkest moments go tonight was no different. Well I guess they aren't as dark as they use to be so lets just call it a low point on the road of life. However as I was saying as all of these moments go they always seem to hold another piece of the puzzle. Tonight was no different, this week has actually been a week of missing puzzle pieces turning up in the oddest places. I now know with certainty what to do. I can feel it in my gut and all the conflicting ideas and problems in my head that seemed to have generated so much noise up there is quiet now.

I actually wanted to write this post last week and had all these metaphors of one chapter finishing but not knowing if it was the end of the book or if another chapter would follow. But I'm glad I wait as I now know thanks to a lot of pieces of the puzzle coming together that it is indeed the end of the book, well not just yet but the 'End is Nigh' as the crazy man on the corner of the street would say.

Not sure what this new book will hold but I have some idea on how it will start but that's a post for another night (which I'm busy writing at the moment). However with the closing of this book I also have become aware that a few friendships might be ending to. I have always held the believe that people enter your life for a reason and purpose and when they have been served and you have learned you lessons from them they exit your life. Some just fade away some leave with a lot of noise and excitement and some just nod their head turn around and walk away.

Funny thing is one of these people is someone I hold very dear to me but I know it in my gut this is the end, sure we will probably reconnect later in life but I'm pretty sure this is it for now. It will be sad but that's life the world keeps spinning and the sun rises each day and sets each night.

A few weeks ago I posted a picture that showed a fork road and ask which way should I go should I go left or Right. Well I have passed that sign now and another on is in front of me saying road splits in 200 meters. Well I'm pretty sure I will be taking the exit on the left when I get to it what it holds who knows.

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