Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dog Sledding Booyah ...

Our Team
I might have mentioned this in the last post but I can't really be arsed reading it again to see if I did or not. However I'm not that into skiing the idea doesn't really excite me. I have never done it and probably should one day but yeah it just doesn't get my juices going, Kim on the other hand is all about skiing. She was meant to go skiing while we where in Whistler but decided against it mostly due to the fact that it was to bloody expensive. So we went and did something I have always wanted to go do instead... yup Dog Sledding. Once we had decided to do it, all I had in my mind was this vision (replace Homer with me). We booked ourselves in and the next day we meet in downtown Whistler before being whisked away into the mountains to meet our team of dogs. We arrived in the middle of nowhere at a camp that had hundreds of dogs this is where we met a very handsome young man who was going to be our sled driver. While we where sledding one of the dogs tried to pee while running and the other one tried to take a shadoobie. We ended up stopping so that they could finish there business. Kim was worried the whole time that a shadoobie would go flying of into her face, since she was sitting in the front of the sled. Most of the sledding was up hill and our sled driver (is that even what they are called) had to jump of and push our fat asses up the steeper slopes. We got to our destination where we got to put on some snow shoes and walk around in what turned out to be 2m deep snow. We know this for a fact as we walked pass an info board and all we could see was its roof and we were slightly higher then the roof. We headed towards a frozen water fall, now the whole idea that waterfalls can freeze is somewhat strange to me. I know water can freeze, but that it gets that cold that running water can freeze is something I'm not use to. 

Frozen Waterfall
Once we where done playing in the snow it was back on the sled and this time it was down hill and the promise of faster speeds. We were warned that we might tip over on one corner so both me and Kim where thinking very thinning thoughts as we reached it, lucky for us it worked and we didn't tip over. After we got back to base camp we got to go play with the new puppies in the kennel and met some of the other sled dogs. When everyone got back from our separate dog sledding adventures they started loading us into the bus to take us back to Whistler. One puppy however decided to come along for the ride too and took a shinning to Kim and sat next to her for most of the trip back . (Video Below Photo's)
Kim's Floral Helmet

Kim's Floral Helmet

Our Team


Our Team getting their soup after pulling our fat asses

Puppy making friends with Kim

Here is a video of our trip .... 

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