Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To the U.S of A ...

As I mentioned in the last blog we arrived in Banff, AB around 8pm and set of to find somewhere to stay. We where ment to have been staying in Calagary however our 4 hour trip across the mountain pretty much screwed that for us. Banff however turned out be a really cute little place it reminded me a lot of Queenstown in NZ minus the lake though. It's also a ski town but this time skiing wasn't on our agenda. We finally found somewhere to stay and settled in for the night.

The next morning after exploroing the little town for a bit we decided to head for Calgary we probably bummed around in Calgary for an hour before deciding it was borring and started heading for our next destination, Medicine Hat. No I'm not just randomly naming things its actually a town. Yup a town called Medicine Hat and  yup we stay there for the night and lived to tell the tale, yup its called Medicine Hat.

After Medicine Hat we crossed the border into Saskatchewan. Now after we crossed the border back in Alberta its gone down hill in the literal sense and the physical sense. The Rocky Mountains end on the border of Alberta and BC and the rest of Alberta and Saskatchewan is flat as a pancake. So anyway after Medicine Hat we crossed into more nothingness I was warned that its easy to fall asleep behind the wheel here. Having done that once before I wasn't looking to do that again however I can see how easy it could be. We made it safely across this exciting landscape and crossed the border into North Dakota, U.S of freaking eh.

When we crossed the border it was late afternoon and we decided to head to Minot instead of staying in the small border town of nothing. However from the moment we cross the border into the USA it felt like we have entered a strangers house the wrong way. Through the back door walking pass the laundry and stepping over laundry baskets and dog bowls. Except there was no small lady apologising about how busy she has been this week and haven't gotten around to cleaning it yet. But yes it just felt strange and that we came through the border crossing that the staff use and not tourist.

Will blog about Minot tomorrow.

Till Laterz ...

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