Friday, December 16, 2011

Elephant riding we go …


I really like this Photo
 So I can't say this has been a life long dream the idea has always been there. However it always meant I had to go to Thailand or somewhere around there and to be honest Asian countries have never really interest me give me Africa and Europe any day. So when I found out I could go ride and Elephant near my stomping ground in the Eastern Cape Province I was like sweeeeeeeet DONE.

Being Molested
So off I went into the deepest darkest Africa nah just kidding it was however in the middle of nowhere. I finally arrived at Addo Elephant Back Safari Reserve on a drizzly wet morning. Hoping against all hope I could still ride this grey beast as it turns out I was the only one there that morning. The weather being a big turn off for most people. I was like nah mate I'm for New Zealand this isn't rain I'll be fine.

I spend about 20min on the elephant and thinking about it just makes my arse hurt again. They are by no means a squish animal and their back bone well let me just say this they have one. After the ride I got to go for a walk with them around the bush area which was kinda cool walking right next to them. My last bit with the Elephant was a photo op and feeding them. They made the Elephant kneel down so I could sit on its leg and in the process I got molested by an elephant trunk. When I got to feed them I was placing food into its trunk maybe a hand full or so and the elephant gave me a look as if to say “Bitch please is that all I'm getting for lugging your fat ass around the bush” and he wouldn't put the food into his mouth until I filled his trunk up. I finished my day there with a beautiful meal in a tent like structure surrounded by native bush. In the end I think it was well worth the sore arse and the long drive, next time however I will book a room there and stay the night.
I'm not going to write to much as there is a video to watch and its worth it as I star in it and it feature Elephant penis too but its cheesy as hell. The guy who edited it has only been doing it for a month and have never before in his life picked up a camera let alone use a computer so I think he did a pretty good job.

So, so far I have rode on a horse, an ostrich and now an elephant I might see if I can ride a moose in Canadia. Hmmm wonder what else i can go for a ride on ... an Orca??

Anyways enjoy the feature film staring me ….