Sunday, January 8, 2012

VW Auto Pavilion ...

Soooo I have been really useless when it comes to keeping this thing updated. All I have to say to the whingers is SUE ME hmmm actually don't as I'm a tat to close to the land of the sue happy.

Anyways I was going to blog about my time in the UK but then I remembered I never blogged about my day in heaven. Yup Heaven or to you earthly people the VW Auto Pavilion in Uitenhage, South Africa. For those that have the displeasure of knowing me would have heard the story of how I discovered my beloved Doris was actually build in the VW Factory in South Africa. Well the Pavilion is part of the complex that birthed the most awesomes car ever my baby Doris.

I spend a few hours wondering through the Pavilion reading and learning about VW the factory. Also how VW South Africa was a big player in promoting equal opportunity and rights amongst blacks and whites during the Apartheid years.  I also got to see a really cool display of a new beetle they have cut in half with a laser or something spacey like that (there is a video of it below). There is even a picnic pasket in the boot that they have cut in half, yeah shiny things distract me.

There was also a number of other cool displays including Herbie (Doris' Crush) and other cool VW cars. So in short I was pretty much in Heaven that day so much VW so little time.If you love VW you should go visit one of these pavilions as i understand there is a number of them around the world.

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