Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Glasgonian's and I

So in the retarded world that is mine and Emma's we refer to people from Scotland as Glasgonian's and people from Ireland as McFinningans to keep a long story short. Scotland got their name thanks to the movie Doomsday and Ireland thanks to Family Guy. 

For those playing at home you might say but hey you said you where going to Europe mainland and you would be right. I however decided against it as I had limited time and couldn't be bothered rushing around. The joys of doing what you want to do at the time. I will go and visit the Netherlands again one day to go visit the Merwede Castle but it wasn't going to be this time.

My Aunt however advised me to go to Edinburgh as her clan love going there and I have never been in that part of the UK. So after a lot of um and ah'ing I thought sure why not lets do this, so off I went on a train heading north for Edinburgh, Capital of the Glasgonian's.

I wasn't really sure what to expect of Edinburgh even though I Wikipedia'ed it like the geek I am and to be honest I wasn't that excited about the idea of going. But none the less I did and oh my goodness what a pleasant surprise it turned out to be. What an awesome wee little City it is, its not big but there is soooo much crammed into such a small space. So much history around every corner and the building oh my they are just amazing.

I'm just trying to think what the highlights was for me and  to narrow them down but its very hard to do so. Edinburgh Castle was totally amazing high on the hill overlooking the city. The official Court of the Scottish Kings and Queens of the past. I love history and this was a treat beyond believe. Only problem was that it was windy as hell which I am told it very normal for the Castle. With the wind factor and the fact that Edinburgh was already like a freezer made for a bone chilling experience. No wonder the Past Kings and Queens preferred Holyrood.

Another highlight would have had to be Holyrood Palace the Queens official residence when she is in Scotland. Most of the Palace was accessible except for the Royal Apartments of course. I even got to see where the Queens sits to have Dinner. Apparently when she is in residence and having diner she keeps running to the window looking out onto the forecourt of the Palace to see what is going on. The Palace however is off limits when she is there. Out the back of the Palace is Holyrood Abbey long story short its ruins now and its kind of cool being able to wonder around it. The Abbey is pretty much attached to the Palace which is strange to me that some past King or Queen havent restored it back into a church.

Across the road of Holyrood Palace is the Scottish Parliament Building an ultra modern design it really stand out especially since the city is basically just old buildings. I even got to go into the debating chambers to have a look at the Scots arguing about health care. The funniest thing though was the fact that they spent about 15min just taking the crap out of the English. I wasn't allowed to take photos inside the building but its pretty cool as modern buildings go, can you tell I don't like them that much.

In total I probably spend about 2 1/2 days there and 2 nights. Edinburgh is very high on my list of places to go visit again. However I will be doing that in the summer and not in the winter again. Till laterz ....

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