Monday, January 30, 2012

A wandering we go ...

We awoken Friday morning around 10am which seems to be the norm for us at the moment. I had a number of place in mind that I thought we should visit. We got ourselves ready and was out the door by 11am'ish. The first stop was nothing exciting really as it involved me visiting my bank. Yes I have a Canadian bank account now I'm the newest member of The Royal Bank of Canada or RBC. After that highly exciting visit we headed for Christ Church Cathedral and nope we aren't back in Christchurch its the Anglican Cathedral for the city of Victoria which carries the same name as our Church in CHCH (for those playing at home CHCH is a shorten slang name for Christchurch)
Christ Church Anglican Cathedral
Christ Church Anglican Cathedral
Its a pretty awesome building and inside it was just as stunning. We where greeted by a very nice old lady who got so excited when she learned we were foreign and before long we had a hand full of pamphlets and a quick history lesson of the church. We also got to hear a visiting organist play on the organ that according to the lady was purpose build for the church.

After wondering around the Church for a few minutes and me boring Kim about religious stuff we set  for Beacon Hill Park. It would pretty much be what Hagley Park is to Christchurch.  As we where wondering through the park we got to spot a number of Squirrels including a few black ones. One in particular run right up to us to see if we had food. He looked like this fella ....
This is just a stand in squirrel.

We came across some duck of course and some peacocks which made me promptly sang "I wanna see your Peacock your peacock cock cock". We also saw some more squirrels and lure them closer with some peanuts I found on a park bench. So for all I know they were probably laced with poison and somewhere in the park there is 3 dead squirrels now. While feeding the squirrels I think one fell in love with me and kept following me. He even peed in front of me not sure what that was all about but I told him like I tell all my gentlemen callers buy me dinner first.
Chomping on some nuts
Peeing in front of me

Being stalked by a Squirrel

Anyways so we wandered further on to what was the worlds tallest Totem pole at 38.8m when it was erected back in 1956 and for the first time featured all the Kwakwaka'wakw Nations  spirits on one Totem Pole. Its pretty impressive....

We continued wandering around the bays until we reach Oak Bay Village and had a very yummy lunch. We then tried to find our way back to Victoria hence the random turns on the map near Oak Bay. I was using a building I recognized as a land mark knowing that the street we needed to be on was near it so finally we found it and did a quick stop at Craigdarroch Castle missing closing time by 6min, oh well next time. We got home via a detour route around the harbour and was more then happy to sit down and rest our feet.

Craigdarroch Castle
Kim trying to set the timer on her camera with not much luck.

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