Saturday, January 28, 2012

Floating Houses and Cheeky Seals ...

So on Thursday me and Kimberly went for a wonder around town I thought I should show her the awesomeness that is sleepy Victoria. We decided to go do Fish and chips at Fisherman's Wharf (C) for lunch first and to take the scenic route there. For those playing at home, a handy dandy map is provided however it doesn't do scenic walks. So imagine if you can that we walked between (B) and (C) along the waters edge.

So anyways we went of to Fisherman's Wharf now this marina houses Commercial Boats, Yachts, Business and Floating houses oh and the Business is in floating buildings too. To be honest this is high on my ridiculous list along side planes landing on water. There is probably about 10 - 15 floating houses and as ridiculous as they are I really want to live there, Kimberly on the other hand thinks this is the worst ideas since prohibition. So anyways as we where sitting at the Fish and Chip shop on the jetty these beggars showed up looking for food ...
.... the one on the left kept lying on his back so not sure if he wanted his belly scratched but I valued my hands being attached to my arm so didn't try. The one on the right kept swimming up and kept swimming to get his head as high above the water as he could as to see which idiot will give him food first. We didn't needless to say he lost interest in us and swam away to the other side where there was Asian tourist the one on the left however just laid there waiting for his belly to be scratched. The man at the Fish and Chips Shop told us that there is mostly divorced woman with small dogs living in the Floating Houses and they get together and go walk their dogs in the near by park ... do I see a TV Series in this 'Divorcees of Fisherman's Wharf'?

After a semi average lunch we headed for Holland Point Park (E) so I could show Kim America. All the way down Dallas Road on a semi clear day you can see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State in the USA.
That dark line on the horizon is the Olympic Mountains in Washington State , USA
After looking and waving at America we started making our way back to town with a stop over at the Parliament Buildings (F). This is one impressive building and is just as impressive inside. We wondered around the few rooms your allowed to see inside for about 20min before heading home.  

Inside Parliament Building: Looking up at Dome from Ground Floor

Inside Parliament Building: Mosaic Floor

British Columbia's Coat of Arms (Notice the Flag is above the Sun)

Window given made as a gift to the Queen's last Jubilee

Controversial Coat of Arms notice how the sun is setting on the British Flag .... big no no

Window given as present to Queen Victoria's Jubilee

Roof of debating Chambers

Debating Chambers

Inside of the Dome

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