Monday, January 16, 2012

London Town ...

So I left the Republic on the 7th Dec around 9pm with a heavy heart. Its been the first time I have been back to the Republic on my lonesome and the first time I have connect with certain family members on a honest level and on top of it all I made some really awesome new friends while reconnecting with old once. I really felt at home in my default home town of Port Elizabeth or as we call it 'Die Baai'. But alas I had a plane to catch with its bearings set for London Town. I arrived in some ungodly hour and was greeted by my Aunt on a very cold winters morning that only London can put on for you.

To be frank and honest I have never really like Britain well more England as its the only part I have ever been to up until recently. I have always thought it was gray cold and depressing don't get me wrong it has some beautiful parts but as a whole it was always a wet cold damp hole of a place in my mind. As I was pretty much discussing this with my Auntie the thought crossed my mind that I have only been there once before when I was 9 and it was winter too. So my whole idea of the UK is based on my 9 year old selfs knowledge of a wintry UK and another thought crossed my mind that it had been 20 years since I was last in the UK well England to be more correct. So it took me 20 years to go back to the UK and I did it again in the winter what an idiot. I have however made a promise to myself that I will return to the UK in the summer to see if my idea of a depressing place is still valid.

While in the UK I spend most of my time in St Albans where the Zondagh Clan have a base of operations. I also spend some time in London and i did a trip up to Edinburgh too however I will blog about that later. I pretty much did all the tourist traps again most of which I have already seen. However since it was 20 years ago I decided seeing it all again through fresh ideas would not be so bad. Personally I'm a royalist and love anything royal so visiting Buckingham Palace was a must visit again. We got a train from St Albans and traveled the 40min into London wondering around Westminster City and going up and down Oxford street. When we started walking down the Royal Mile the sun started setting behind Buckingham Palace and what a beautiful sight that was. I also went to go and see 'Lion King' the stage show which was absolutely amazing.

Besides doing a few of the tourist traps and seeing the stage show I just spend sometime with my family and rested a lot as I was fighting of some man flu yuckiness. But all and all it a pretty amazing time I have another idea brewing in my head which will take me back to the UK so watch this space ....

(Also I'm working on getting all my photo's on my facebook group so will let ya all know when that happens)

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