Saturday, January 21, 2012

Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanada ...

So I left London on the 20th December and landed in Vancouver, Canada on the well 20th December after a rather scary flight. At one point I swear we dropped at least 1 meter thanks to air pockets but in the end we arrived safely. I arrived around 4:30pm from memory and had a flight to catch at about 6ish to Victoria. I thought yup 1 1/2 hours to clear customs and get my bags no drama. First we arrived 15min late and then only the international line at customs was open which meant all the Canadian Nationals had to go through that line too it took for ever to clear customs.

It turned out that after I cleared customs I had to go to Immigration to get my Working Holiday Permit (WHP) thingy which I thought I would get at customs. There was only me and another girl whom had arrived at immigration about 15min earlier. But all the immigration guys where to busy chatting her up to help me. Finally when she left they helped me and looked very annoyed at having to do it to, but in the end I got my Visa yay. Which upon me going ooooo fancy he informed me that its in fact printed on the same kinda of paper as their money.

When I got to the baggage claim my bag was all by itself doing the rounds on the belt thingy. When I finally got to where I had to check my bags in again for my flight to Victoria they where like 'yeah your plane is on the runway'. I missed it by a full 5min. Strangely I wasn't really stressed about it however I did felt really sorry for a family that missed their flight too. They had 2 kids under the age of 7 and just wanted to get home (never fly with spawns I tell you). We all got our stand by tickets and our luggage was booked in and off we went to the gate in hope of flying to Victoria that night. I was luckier then the family of 4 I got on the next flight which was about an hour after my original flight. I swear to god we spent more time climbing and descending then actually flying and only spend about 10min flying level.

I think I got to Victory Airport around 7:30pm (in Sidney how kewt is that) and in Victoria actual around 8pm. It was very surreal driving down the motorway and seeing everyone on the wrong side of the road and the knowledge sinking in that yes I am actually in Canada. Its been a long hard and sometimes annoying road to get here but almost 7 months after first setting foot here I was finally back.

I spend the first few days pretty much just sleeping as I was still fighting of the cold I acquired in the UK. But since I got here I haven't really done much just relaxing really and making new friends at my new local Paparazzi. I have done the 'Loser Cruiser' a few times and gone to different parts of the city thats not that easily reachable by foot.

Oh yes I spend Xmas all by myself for the first time ever and loved every minute of it. I got a lot of dips and cold meats and yummy breads the day before and spent the whole day in bed pretty much stuffing my face watching movies and reading my book. What an awesome day. New years I wasn't to sure what to do so in the end I bought a ticket to Paparazzi's New Year do where they had yummy food and yummy rum. I got very drunk and kept telling my new friend Steven that I love him .... no we are just friends gaaawwwwd.

I also realized that there is 3 main industries in Victoria Begging, Drugs and Hair Salons. Apparently due to Victoria's warmer weather all the homeless flocks here and they pretty much have an infestation of them. Thanks to the homeless people every day i get approached by one either looking for change or to sell me drugs. Well except for the 3 avians that approached me in the Uptown Mall selling God. On almost every corner there is a Hair Salon I have never seen so many in such a small area they call the CBD here.

Oh and they have these ridiculous float houses which of course I would loooove to live in it really goes with the ridiculous planes that lands in the harbour here in the inner city. Ummm can't think of anything else major that has happened since I arrived here. So yes this post was pretty much all over the place but I think that brings me up to date with all my post. Oh except for the snow but I will blog about that separately me thinks. 

 Found this boat in the marina and was like say whaaaaa...?

 Love this sign.

 Thats the Olympic Mountains in Washington State, USA. Kind of weird thinking you can see another country across the water like that.

And this beauty is Christ Church Cathedral the Anglicans City Cathedrals. Its Pretty awesome inside too.

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