Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Whistler ...

We left the camping site in Surrey early'ish in the morning bound for Whistler. Well when I say early'ish it would have been around 9 or 10am. For those playing at home Whistler is a ski town and was on the must visit places for Kim. Me on the other hand is more of a 'I'll get suited up to ski but sit in the bar all day' kinda guy. We also wanted to head this way as its meant to be an area where the Bald Eagle nest and breed and they are on the list of animals we want to see. The drive to Whistler is about 2 hours so with Freddie that turned out to be more like 3 hours. If you have ever seen 'The Simpsons Movie' where Homer takes the family to Alaska you will know what the scenery on this drive was like its pretty amazing.

On the way there we couldn't find this "breeding" ground for the so called Bald Eagle. We finally made it to Whistler around the afternoon and decided to go for a wander around the village before finding a place to stay. Like I said I'm not into skiing never been before and probably never will but I must say this town almost got me excited to do so. At one end of the village are ski lifts that takes you up either of the mountains and then you just ski right down to the village again take your ski's off and walk about 5 metres into a near by bar.

The next day we decided to go find these eagles and drove to a place called Brackendale to look for where these so called eagles nest. After driving around for what seems like forever and having to do u-turns on native land. We finally found a small section of a river bank called Eagle Run. We walked up and down this bank looking across the river trying to find the so called eagle with no luck. When I made a joke to Kim saying that I bet you they are all sitting in a tree behind us making fun of us. Well when I turned around I saw one lone eagle sitting in a tree behind us. Personally I thought it was a robot as it just sat there and every so often its head would turn and when we went for lunch at a pub/cafe' on the bank and had yummy Honey Garlic Chicken Nibbles. It was still sitting in the tree about an hour later, still just turning its head but I suppose we saw one and that's all the robot was invented for. We headed back to Whistler to get some rest as the next day something very exciting was going to happen ....

The day I almost died ...

I'm not scared of heights its the sudden stop at the bottom that concerns me.  So when Kim suggested that we should go walk over a suspension bridge I wasn't too fussed. My mother who goes into a panic attack when the word heights are mentioned near her has installed me with a healthy respect for things dangelling over cliffs. Like I said I don't think its the heights for me but the ability of the object to hold me in the air. A suspension bridge doesn't feature on the trust worthy list.

We went to go visit Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver. The bridge is 136m (446ft) long and 70m (230ft) above the river and it wobbles when you walk across it. I held of crossing the bridge and opted to go for a wander around the park on the roadside of the bridge. Which it turned out wasn't as non thrills as I thought. We had to walk around the edge of the cliff on the suspended platform contraption and then go out on a viewing deck which was pretty much made out of glass. I just kept thinking about and collecting the stamps we needed to get a certificate at the end of this horror ride.

We finally crossed the bridge, in fact the above photo is from the other side of the bridge and that's Kim standing there in the middle taking photos like an idiot. It was pretty cool on the other side, they had suspension bridges between trees. You could walk around in the tree tops well not that high up but you get the idea. We wandered around the trees for an hour or so before we had to cross the bridge again. This time there was a group on the bridge with some really really really fat guy and I was like 'there is no way in hell I'm crossing that with that on it.' In the end I had to as fatso and his buddies wouldn't move , long story short I finally made it to the other side in one piece and now have this to hang on my wall.

I feel slightly ripped off to be honest .... 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quick Update ...

So just to do a quick recap we travelled from Victoria to Vancouver to set up base there and find jobs. Finding a job wasn't ever going to be easy but we thought it would be a good place to start. While we were looking for jobs we started looking for cheaper accommodation. So house hunting we went, however finding a house depended a lot on having a job as it turned out and just because someone advertises month by month rental it doesn't mean that's what they want and or offering.

So after not having much luck on either front we got an offer of cheap rent at a mates place. The only catch with this is that her place is in Montreal. So over the past week or so we have slowly been making our way to Montreal. We are at present in Milwaukee visiting a friend of Kim's and after that it will be a couple more days and we will be in Montreal. Where I will have time to update you all on every place we have visit on our coast to coast journey.