Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The day I almost died ...

I'm not scared of heights its the sudden stop at the bottom that concerns me.  So when Kim suggested that we should go walk over a suspension bridge I wasn't too fussed. My mother who goes into a panic attack when the word heights are mentioned near her has installed me with a healthy respect for things dangelling over cliffs. Like I said I don't think its the heights for me but the ability of the object to hold me in the air. A suspension bridge doesn't feature on the trust worthy list.

We went to go visit Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver. The bridge is 136m (446ft) long and 70m (230ft) above the river and it wobbles when you walk across it. I held of crossing the bridge and opted to go for a wander around the park on the roadside of the bridge. Which it turned out wasn't as non thrills as I thought. We had to walk around the edge of the cliff on the suspended platform contraption and then go out on a viewing deck which was pretty much made out of glass. I just kept thinking about and collecting the stamps we needed to get a certificate at the end of this horror ride.

We finally crossed the bridge, in fact the above photo is from the other side of the bridge and that's Kim standing there in the middle taking photos like an idiot. It was pretty cool on the other side, they had suspension bridges between trees. You could walk around in the tree tops well not that high up but you get the idea. We wandered around the trees for an hour or so before we had to cross the bridge again. This time there was a group on the bridge with some really really really fat guy and I was like 'there is no way in hell I'm crossing that with that on it.' In the end I had to as fatso and his buddies wouldn't move , long story short I finally made it to the other side in one piece and now have this to hang on my wall.

I feel slightly ripped off to be honest .... 

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