Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quick Update ...

So just to do a quick recap we travelled from Victoria to Vancouver to set up base there and find jobs. Finding a job wasn't ever going to be easy but we thought it would be a good place to start. While we were looking for jobs we started looking for cheaper accommodation. So house hunting we went, however finding a house depended a lot on having a job as it turned out and just because someone advertises month by month rental it doesn't mean that's what they want and or offering.

So after not having much luck on either front we got an offer of cheap rent at a mates place. The only catch with this is that her place is in Montreal. So over the past week or so we have slowly been making our way to Montreal. We are at present in Milwaukee visiting a friend of Kim's and after that it will be a couple more days and we will be in Montreal. Where I will have time to update you all on every place we have visit on our coast to coast journey.

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