Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Naked Man ...

So I know I have been real slack and haven't posted in a while so I thought I will share a story that me and Kim have discovered and unravelled. Its a story of a Naked man and a Naked Lady. We went wandering to Walmart one day in Victoria its about a 20min walk from where we where staying. On the way there we kept passing items of clothing a jersey, underwear, scarf. But never the same item more then once and they were all male clothing. This continued for the next few days so we came to the conclusions that somewhere in Victoria is a naked man. Then we headed to Vancouver for a few days and we started seeing items of female clothing and we were like no way Vancouver has a naked lady? When we headed back to Victoria the last time we noticed that the female items of clothing had followed us to the island. We were happy as naked man deserved some happiness and naked lady might just be the one to give him that. Not to jump to conclusions but when we left the island for the last time we did spot a baby sock ... !!

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