Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vancouver Aquarium ...

So I am a fan of Zoo's Aquariums and anything in between. If there is something over prized to go to and look at animals through a glass I'm there. A while back when I was in Canada the first time I looked up all the Aquariums in the area to see if any of them had my beloved Orca. Ok I don't agree with them keeping such a big animal in such a small area, however if they had one I wanted to see it up close. Sadly they didn't have one but they did have this retarded looking whale called a Beluga. Long story short I never got to go see them as I ran out of time.

However yesterday we went to the Vancouver Aquarium and I got to go see the Beluga Whale. We probably got to the Aquarium around 11:30 and didn't leave until 2:30 so spend an amazing 3 hours there. We watched a show/education session on the Beluga Whales and a show/education session on the Pacific white-sided dolphins. There was hundreds of displays on all the different ecosystems that can be found up and down the BC coast. They even had an Amazon rain-forest display with Crocodiles, spiders, some weird ass fish and parrots and one of my favourites they had a Sloth living in the display just hanging there minding his own business.

It was pretty amazing I have to say oh and I got a really cool Beluga Whale doll in a Hoodie.
Beluga Whale in Hoodie going to fuck you up

Entrance of Vancouver Aquarium - Orca Statue
Yay Axolotl 

Butter Chicken Frog

Pacific White-Side Dolphin

Beluga Whale

Nutritional Facts of a Beluga Whale

Beluga Whale

Beluga Whale

Beluga Whale squirts you with water

Beluga Whale makes you wet

Yay Jellyfish

Yay Jellyfish

That blob is a Sloth

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