Sunday, October 16, 2011


Thought I would do some shameless promotion and announce to the world, in other words the 3 people that read my blog that I now have a Facebook Page. Oh yes has its very own Facebook Page flash aye.

Also, Ello to my stalker from Charlotte, North Carolina (yay Google Analytics) glad to see your ok. The news told me there was floods around your area and didn't know if you where ok or how to really get hold of you. Thinking about it I could have asked Tanya hmmmm.

Anyways till later ...


  1. Ah, thanks for the shout out. No worries on flooding for me. I've subscribed now, though I kind of like the idea of being the friendly stalker. Good luck on your upcoming trip -- if you ever find yourself in North Carolina, feel free to check in. I live for travel, and when I'm not doing it myself I enjoy hearing about others'.

  2. Sweet ... I will be in Canada for 6 months and will be road tripping into the U.S of A so will let you know when I'm in your neck of the woods.
