Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stoopid Egypt

So my trip is still waiting to be confirmed and I'm fearing that I might have to push everything back a week which I'm not happy about. Another thing that I'm not happy about either is Egypt and the protest there. Ok yes violence is never a good thing but my unhappiness is rather selfish here.

You see I was meant to go to Egypt on my Next Adventure. I was going to sail down the Nile for 4 days visiting crumbled old buildings and also go and visit those pointy triangle things everyone goes on about. But nooooooooooo Egypt had to go and protest again and now the New Zealand Travel advisory says the following.

"There is high risk to your security in Egypt, including in the Sinai (except in the Red Sea resort area, Luxor and Aswan), due to the unpredictable security situation and threat from terrorism and we advise against all tourist and other non-essential travel"
"There is some risk to your security in the Red Sea resort area, Luxor and Aswan due to the threat from terrorism and we advise caution."

I'll give you a high risk of my foot up your ass Egypt. However even if I do still go my expensive travel insurance will not cover me. Also my travel agent said she doesn't want my mum in her shop asking why she send me to Egypt. My mother can be scary when she wants to be so I dont blame Chloe. So yes there goes one leg of my adventure but there is still other exiting places left.

Anyways hope to have a update very soon with confirmed dates.

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