Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mini Road Trip before the Big Trip ...

Since this year has been all about travel so far I decided to do one more road trip before I leave New Zealand. So in the car I got and drove to Palmerston North to visit my sister. Now if you some how find yourself in Palmy set the GPS for the quickest way out of there. I always forget what a shit hole it is. So I spend a couple of nights with her and her overly religious married flatmate's. Personally I think if I got to spend some more time up there I could have had the 'husband' in my bed without much effort. However I thought better of disrupting their narrow views on life.

On my way back I met up with the Leddie-Crumps in Lower Hutt (near Wellington). I wanted to grab my remaining stuff off Dulcinea and the Leddie-Crumps thought as its a long weekend they might as well fly up and hitch a ride back home with me. (For those that dont know what Dulcinea is go read this blog.) It was weirdly cereal to be on the boat again and kind of a shame that we didn't end up sailing back home form the Americas. I forgot how much I really enjoyed being on good all Dulcinea. However hopefully soon I will get to sail again.

Anyways we got up on Monday morning at some ungodly hour (I blame Emma) to catch the Ferry home. It was a short and sweet trip but it was fun being on the road again. I really think I got the traveling back good now and can't wait for my next adventure, which I will blog about later tonight or tomorrow when I can be arsed.

Well here is a quick video I did for our trip from Wellington to Christchurch nothing to exciting but you get to see the damage that Dulcinea suffered in the storm she got caught in.

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