Saturday, November 19, 2011

So it begins …

I left Christchurch Auckland bound at about 9:40am on the 6th Nov this would be the first leg of my journey around the world. Originally I was meant to spent the night in Auckland but for one reason or another that escapes my mind now. I ended up having to get an earlier flight out of the country. This earlier flight had me leaving at 1:10am on the 7th Nov, which meant I had to be at the airport at 11pm and as I landed in Auckland at 11am I had about 12 hours to kill.

Mr G&H came and picked me up from the airport accompanied by Cheryl still in her flash clothes from the night before. It would have been the longest walk of shame if Mr G&H didn't partake in each other. We went for a yummy lunch some where in West Auckland, personally I think it was in honour of Cheryl being in the car with us but I could be wrong. We also wondered the central city for a while before dropping Cheryl to her place of residence.

Me and Mr G&H continued to drive around the city for awhile and ended up on top of one of the many volcano's that occupies Auckland city. It was kind of weird thinking that we were walking around the rim of a volcano but somewhat cool at the same time. There was signs every where that said please dont go into the crater as it sacred and you might damage it. My question to those playing at home is how does one damage a volcano crater. Do you walk down it and it shatters like glass and lava starts flowing out of it and as a result you 2012 Auckland City.

Well after sometime of not damaging the crater we headed back to Mr G&H's base of operations to relax before dinner. We had dinner across the road from the SkyTower at some Mexican restaurant where Miss B joined us. As a result of being across the SkyTower me and Mr G&H decided we should brave the SkyTower and go up there. This would be Mr H and my first time up the tower. Now I'm generally fine with heights but I have to say that walkin over a bit of glass god knows how many metre up in the sky is not for me. I did it though as the saying goes “When in Rome”.

After our excurtion up the tower we headed for the airport where Mr G&H dropped me off to catch my plane to Singapore.


  1. wow, gripping stuff rū, i <3 the way you didn't damage the crater

  2. Well I didnt want to upset anyone
