Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mama G ain't happy ...

... and when Mama G isn't happy shit goes down and asses get kicked. So Mama G for those playing at home is Kim's mum you know the retarded one I'm travelling with, well yes her mum. Mama G is also an avid reader of all things Roetastic and is on a war path with me because I haven't blogged in ages. She sent the following txt to Kim and it was forwarded to me, at the time I was partaking in a Nana Nap.

Now the dancing she is referencing goes back to a night about a week a go were I tried my best to get her spawnage aka Kim to go to town with me and dance. Kim didn't do so, so I called her some mean names like booger head and peepee breath. I ended up in a Homosexual establishment all on my lonesome and let me tell you there was those lesbian things. You know the creatures you only read about in fairy tales well actually I don't think there is any fairy tales about lesbians. Oh no I beg your pardon there was 3 or so movies made about them I believe they where called Shrek you now the green things they lesbians aren't they ... ?

Well anyways I'm only doing this post to tell Mama G I'm busy doing stuffs and don't always get time to do blogging so until the next one here is some video's to keep Mama G entertained with .... till tomorrow.

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