Friday, June 29, 2012

Mooooooontreal bitches ....

So after our first introduction to what a French Canadian could be like we finally arrived in Quebec and then Montreal. It is the strangest feeling crossing the border between the two provinces Ontario is bilingual when it comes to its signs but Quebec was full on French. We thought we would put Jake (our GPS) to French so we can start practicing our Français. However it confused me beyond believe and we had to put Jake back to Anglais so we could actually find out where the hell we were and where we were meant to be going. 

We finally figured out our way and arrive at our destination, my mate Erin the Lesbot's Base of Operations. No I'm going to go out on a limb and say this knowing I will probably get hate mail for this from that one person that reads this blog and with my luck they are French. However I think Montreal is the most disgusting looking city in the world. I really felt like I was back in a 3rd world country I mean even most of South Africa's cities are prettier. This is also around the time we started calling Quebec, Quebecistan. I was told however that it's prettier in the summer and I still want to go see if this is true .... (you might have someone sleeping on your couch this summer Erin) ... however we got there just after all the snow had melted and there was garbage everywhere. The story goes people just chuck garbage ontop of the snow during the winter resulting in the mess we saw. I personally think this is just a folk tale Montreal folk made up to make themselves feel better about the shit hole the life in.

This however is not why we decided against settling in Montreal it was mostly the French thing and the fact that we couldn't speak it and to get a job in a French speaking place surprise surprise it helps to be able to speak French. We did have fun however while we where in Montreal, there was the St Patty's Parade and our visit to Quebec City but I will blog about them separately.  

I do however have one quick story I can tell was about our Drunken night out with our Lesbian Erin. We went to have dinner at a mate of Erin's Restaurant called Café Aléatoire. Its a really cute little place with really yummy food and good live music. The conversations we had that night amongst our self and the staff isn't safe to be published as it would be too easy to take out of content however we were literally wetting ourselves with laughter. Needless to say we got very drunk that night and as we wandered back to our beds things started getting really interesting as we started collecting items from the street and dressing up Erin. She became our Safety Fairy and she took her job very seriously. Here is some photo's and video of her in action also if you ever in Montreal stop by Café Aléatoire it's well worth a visit.

Safety Fairy Erin

Safety Fairy Erin

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