Friday, June 15, 2012

Milwaukee to Windsor ...

Ok so I have had a couple of random post in the last few weeks but this one follows on from where I left off before.

So after a prolonged stay in Milwaukee thanks to Freddie misbehaving. We finally got back on the road again this time heading to Windsor nope not the one in England but the one across the river from Detroit in Canada. Yup we would be sleeping on Commonwealth soil again that night, but first we had to do the 7 odd hour drive. One of the cities I wanted to go to on this leg of the journey was Chicago. So I could do the customary tourist thing and get a photo of my ugly mug outside the Oprah Winfrey's Studios.  Even though I don't see myself as a Oprah fun I have a lot of respect for the woman and do like watching the odd show. The thing that sticks in my mind about her show
Me outside Harpo Studios
is that years ago a wide shot of the audience revealed the camera's that was on big these arm like cranes between the audience seats. These camera's had what appeared to be nice leather comfy seats and a cup holders. At this stage I was still new to the whole TV world and that just blew my mind I mean 'CUP HOLDERS'. So I had to stop and take a photo if only to justify that one memory.

Road name after Oprah running pass the Studios
I do have to say though that I was kinda disappointed in the building it was just a warehouse looking building with no exciting features. Ok yes I know most studio's around the world is just a Warehouse looking building with no exciting features but I mean come on it's Oprah jazz the place up a bit love. It's not like you are short of cash or anything we will not see you at WINZ after you splash some paint here and there. But I guess the money is all on the inside with state of the art camera's and shit blah blah blah.

So after we had some Subway a stable diet on this trip we started on our journey again. I also wanted to go visit Detroit and go take photos of the Abandoned Suburbs. However we were advised against going there and especially since we would arrive close to sun down both me and Kim thought we might skip this one at this time. As it turned out we arrived in Detroit after sundown and decided to head straight across the border to our hotel. We crossed the border by going through a tunnel under the Detroit River that curved and twists. It was a weird notion that not only were we under water but we are cross a international border between the USA and Canada.

One thing I will say about Windsor City besides that its a nice wee city is that it's scarily empty. We went for a walk around the place and there was nobody about on the streets it was deadly quiet. Anyways Till tomorrow .... :P

Detroit City Skyline

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