Monday, May 30, 2011

Party in the US of Aye

So for those playing at home you will be excused if you are confused with what is happening in regards to my travel/holiday plans. I am no longer doing the suicide mission of trying to sail a boat from Florida to New Zealand. For one reason or another we made the decision that it would be safer to fly home instead of rocking back and forwards all the way back too little old New Zealand (can read all about it here).

Saying all that I wouldn’t change anything about this adventure to date. I have had the opportunity to come visit a country that I never planned nor had the interest in visiting and in the process I have met some truly amazing people and see some truly amazing things (mmmm keylime pie).

So not wanting to head home without some sort of adventure I made the decision to take matters into my own hands. So I will be heading to Vancouver Canada to go play with the Orca’s. Any sane person would fly there and just go on a whale watching boat however I’m not any sane person. Instead I will be driving from North Palm Beach, Florida all the way across the United States of America to Seattle where I will catch a ferry to Victoria on Vancouver Island before I head to Vancouver and catch my plane home to New Zealand.

So I will pretty much cross 14 States in 6 days, leaving home base here in North Beach on the 31st May.

The rough schedule for the trip is as follows …

31st May – North Palm Beach to Atlanta
1st June – Nashville to St Louis
2nd June – St Louis to Kansas City (both*) to Lincoln (* yup they have two cities called the same thing next to each other just in different states)
3rd June - Lincoln to Cheyenne
4th June – Cheyenne to Salt Lake City
5th June – Salt Lake City to Seattle
6th June – Seattle to Victoria BC
7th June – Victoria BC – Vancouver BC
10th June – Vancouver to San Francisco to Auckland to Christchurch

Well as Miley Cyrus once said "...there is a party in the USA". So I think it’s only right for me and Gary to find this party, partake in it and then find Miley and tell her off for being a dirty hoe bag.

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