Monday, May 30, 2011

Pre-Road Trip Road Trip ...

So I thought to myself what better way to kill time before my road trip then with another road trip a 'Pre-Road Trip Road Trip' if you like. Since Bradenton and our beloved Twin Dolphin Marina was only about 4 hours drive away I thought it would be a good idea to drive there via the Everglades and come back the same day. It was all good in theory until Debbie started feeding me Adult Soda’s, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

So in the early hours of the morning at some ungodly time that I believe was 4:30am on Saturday the 28th of May I got up. Not willingly nor happy about it but I did it as I had to take the Leddie-Crumps to the airport. Once I sat in the airport car park for 5 min having an argument with myself for getting up that early. I finally punched in the address of Twin Dolphin Marina into Gertrude and off we went, me, Gertrude yelling at me and Gary face diving of the seat every chance he got.

We finally made it to the Everglades it was pretty and kinda freaky. Because of the fact when you are driving down a road and you can see Alligators in the watering channels for the farmers. I tried taking a photo of the big once but they kept running away so I snapped tons of the little buggers instead. I also rescued two turtles of the road one was spinning on the spot thanks to some over-sized American tank speeding pass the poor creature.

I also saw my first road kill Everglade style it was a gator about 3m long (I guess that’s about 9 feet in backwards land) and was lying on its back on the side of the road with a squashed head. I was going to take a photo but didn’t think it would be safe to stop besides I don’t know if it was just playing dead. Since I don’t have a picture of it I thought I would just put up the picture Sam drew me of a Alligator. Isn't it just the cutest I love how it has teeth on its tail.

So I finally made it to Bradenton the hip little place it is. I loved the look on everyone’s face when they saw me. Ed’s was the best thou he walked pass me said hello and then a few feet down the path stopped and turned around and was like umm what you doing here. But once I did all the hey how are you and no we aren’t sailing anymore we like land more than water talk I went off to lunch with Debbie. This was followed with a visit to the family then dinner with Debbie and Ray and Breakfast with the family. It was sad leaving Bradenton again it really did feel like home and I will miss my adopted family a lot. Its sad to think I might not see them again for a very long time. But hey upwards and onwards tomorrow I start my trek across the US of Aye.

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