Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Made it to Atlanta ...

Well I'm technically in Marietta but its basically part of Atlanta or something like that. But moving on, the drive was actually really fun. There was a ton of traffic all the way but with highways ranging from 2 -6 lanes it never felt busy well until I got to the edge of Atlanta itself and took a wrong turn and had Gertrude yelling at me re-calculating and then she crashed and left me to my own devices. But I got to my motel safe and in time to see a cop and a prostitute go into a room near me, yay cheap motels.

I was going to take a picture of the sign that said 'Welcome to Georgia' but I missed it . Well I did see it but it was that small I only clicked what it was about a mile down the road. I guess the Americas aren't that big on the state lines crossing as I am.

Georgia have got to be the billboard capital of the world I mean oh my giddy aunt there is hundreds down the sides of the motorway. From the afar they almost look like high rise building sitting above the tree line but no its just advertising. It has the same effect as when you open on of those special websites and about 4000 pop ups cover your screen. You know amongst them there is somewhere info you can use but f**ked if you know where.

I also still haven't really figured out what the guidelines are on when you will get a ticket for speeding. As I was going 75mph in a 70m zone and a cop over took me, a few cops also over took people going faster then me at different stages of my journey. The cops also tailgated people that was going to slow for their liking. It seems that if I go the speed limit I get tailgated if i go 5m over the limit they over take me and if I go 10m over the limit they tailgate me again. The worst tailgater I have had was after the sun had set and I couldn't see his lights. So if anyone every complain about my driving again they should come to America.

Tomorrows Journey

Well tomorrow I will be heading to Nashville to see if I can find Miley failing that I will go to the Parthenon. For those playing at home the Parthenon in Nashville is a life size replica of the Parthenon in Athens (Athena's Temple) which I have had the privilege of visiting. It however is a pile of rock as most ancient Greek things are. I will finish the day with staying in another top notch establishment in St Louis.

So two states can now be ticked of ...

* Florida
* Georgia

Till later peeps

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