Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Made it to St Louis ...

So today I crossed a further 4 states and somewhere along the line I gained an hour. I set of at about 9am from Atlanta an head towards Nashville. So far on this trip Tennessee and Northern Georgia is my favorite places in America well the bits I saw. I was very surprised by Tennessee I thought it would be more farmland and flat being the home of country music. But it was mountains not at all what I pictured it to be at all. Illinois is pretty much just like Canterbury except a whole lot greener. Cant say much about Missouri yet as I have only just seen St Louis but just driving thru the city I felt dirty it reminded me of Jo'burg.

But my highlight today must have been going to Nashville and visiting the Parthenon. As I said in an earlier post I have been to the real one but seeing what it might have looked like in its glory days was a awesome treat. However I was disappointed as it was different inside to what I saw on the movie 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians' but still the same it was awesome.

Tomorrow I will be heading to Lincoln, Nebraska stopping over at Kansas City both of them because the loved the name that much they named two cities that. Which are across from each in two different states go figure.

So States I can add to the list today is ...

* Tennessee
* Kentucky
* Illinois
* Missouri

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