Friday, June 3, 2011

Made it to Laramie ...

So today I went on a bit of an interesting trip thanks to Gertrude who had a spaze and took me in the wrong direction. Went to Cairo thought not the one in Egypt thought but I guess one holiday at a time.

So I headed to Laramie, Wyoming today crossing all of Nebraska and doing a quick dip into Colorado just so I could say I have been in that state. I was ment to stay in Cheyenne but could find any cheap accommodation so I'm staying in a city/town further up the road 50min to be exact.

I cant believe how cold it is here in Wyoming but I suppose having been in Florida with temps around the 35 degrees didn't help either. There is still snow lying about the place, it was kinda nice smelling the cold in the air and its good training to get me ready for my return to NZ. Today when I got out of the car at some monument of Abe was the first time since I have gotten to the US of Aye that I have actually felt that I'm in America. Wyoming is pretty much what I imagined America would be.

I do like little Wyoming. Well tomorrow I'm of to discover my inner Mormon in Salt Lake City or just point and stare.

So the States I can ad to my list to day is ...

* Colorado
* Wyoming


  1. At the risk of making you feel like you have a stalker, just thought I'd let you know I'm enjoying your blog. I have friends at the Twin Dolphins Marina who know the Hackneys, and I read Jay and Tanya's blog so learned about your trip. I would have been happy to show you around Charlotte, North Carolina, but you are far away now. I have a nephew in Salt Lake City, but I'm guessing you'll be past there soon as well. Good luck, and enjoy the trip.

  2. Oh I approve of stalkers makes me feel loved and I'm in Salt Lake city now but will be leaving very early in the morning as I have a 13 odd hour drive ahead of me to Seattle.

    How did you find my blog thou as its not on Tanya's blog at all hmmmm you stalk good. Tip of the imaginary had to you good sir or lady.

  3. There must have beem some link at some point to Emma's blog? I read the last couple of entries on the "Kiwi's" trip, but now I'm not seeing a link so not quite sure. Enjoyed that one too, as I'm a new sailor (lady) and reading everything I find on sailing adventures. And I highly approve of all adventurous travelors.
