Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcome home Christchurch says ...

So Christchurch has welcomed me home the only way it can with a serious of massive after shocks with in an hour of each other. The first one hit when I was driving down the road (which is a challenge now thanks to driving on the wrong side of the road for 3 months). I was going about 100km's and thought my tire had blown out as I lost control of the car. I thought great only been in the country for a day and half and now I'm going to crash and die. Once I got the car under control and standing still on the side of the road I realized it wasn't the tire but an aftershock as the power lines was still dancing.

The first one was a magnitude of 5.5 this was the one while I was driving then there was more a 4.4, 3.4 and a 4.9 but the biggest on was a 6 pointer and it felt like it was going for at least 40 seconds there is also reports of more collapsed buildings and so far 6 people have been taken to hospital and 2 demolition workers had to be rescued from an already collapsed church. Well here is hoping nothing serious comes from these after shocks.

Well my flight here was pretty horrible too it was almost like the pilot entered into his GPS device "Auckland NZ shortest route there and avoid all toll roads". As it felt like we drove down a gravel road with massive pot holes or I suppose down one of Christchurch roads. When we arrived in Christchurch and taxiing towards the terminal building the Pilot said "Welcome to Christchurch its a very sunny 0°C here today..." my thought was great here comes the fripple weather.

Anyways talking about fripples I'm freezing my tits off and think its time I light the fire. But yeah for all of those playing in the States and Canada I got home safely and miss you guys lots well your warm weather more but you do make an short appearance in my missing emotion.

Love you long time and hope to see you soon again ...

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