Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Made it to Seattle and Caaaaaanada ...

Soooooo I was meant to have done this the other day but I was way to tired to do so and have only just had the mental ability to use my words. Well what can I say about my last leg of the road trip besides sweet lord it was long, it was about 13 hours worth of driving. I got into Seattle around 12am I would have gotten in earlier if I managed to leave early then 10am from Salt Lake City.

The last 3 hours of the drive was painfully slow and wasn't helped that my back was killing me. I also spend about the last 1 1/2 hours driving through a mountain pass. It was great that it had 3 lanes pity that you couldn't use them all the time tanks to road words. I was so tired by the time I hit the mountain pass that I just wanted to pull over and go to sleep by thanks to all the road works none of the rest areas was open. It was also pitch black dark so I didn't really want to park in the middle of nowhere to sleep. I personally hate driving at night on unfamiliar roads as I cant see what the road is doing up ahead. It wasnt helped by the fact people where speeding pass me at 80+ mph and tailgating me. Needless to say I was very happy when I got to my hotel.

In the morning I booked myself a ticket on the Clipper Ferry to Victoria and headed down to Pier 69. While waiting inline I was chatting with a lady who it turns out has a sister in-law thats from good old little Christchurch, small world aye. Cant tell you how excited I was to cross the border and seeing the Maple Leaf flag even customs was nicer. well he asked me like 400 questions but did it with a smile.

I can actually see myself living here in Victoria, even though the downtown area has bigger buildings then Christchurch. It really reminds me alot of Christchurch well minus when you look at their Government building and 'The Empress Hotel'.

(Government Building)

(The Empress Hotel)

But yeah so far I love Canada its a pity I cant go on my kayak trip due to the fact that it isn't really Orca season but hey there is always next year.

So In a week I went from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean crossing 15 States, 2 Indian Homelands, 6 State Capitals, 4 Time Zones, One International Border, entered 1 Province and Provincial Capital. Not bad work for a week.

States I have been in so in the USA now.

and by plane California

and British Columbia in Canada.

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