Friday, June 24, 2011

Dun Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuun ...

So I'm of again not to a tropical place nor a place that I would classify as exciting. Yup I'm of to Dunners, for those of you playing in the Americas Dunners is just the nickname for Dunedin our second largest City in the South Island. I really wished it was Dunedin, Florida but I guess we cant always have it our way (damn you BK).

It was kinda a spirit of the moment thing even thou I was planning to head to Dunedin this weekend I decided on Wednesday that I would rather not. But here I am packing my bags to do another road trip. I suppose at least there is no earthquakes down there and they do at least have a CBD. But its still Dunedin if it wasnt for my best mate down there I wouldn't really see the point of going there, its cold its wet and has way to many hills for my liking. But I shouldn't be so negative about it I'm sure its a lovely place to live .... if you have access to drugs.

Anyways follow me on Twitter as I probably will not be updating the blog till I get home, when ever that maybe.

Till laterz ......

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