Sunday, June 5, 2011

Made it to Salt Lake City ...

So today I crossed most of Wyoming to get to Salt Lake City. Firstly I must say that little old Laramie is actually a cool little town or city or what ever it might be. The people there seems very friendly and I met some cool people that stayed at the same motel as me too. But anyways I went on my merry way heading for Salt Lake City. Now I will take this opportunity to say I wasn't looking forward to SLC as the idea of visiting a City run by Mormons didn't sound too appealing. Do they even believe in Jesus or is it Santa Claus no wait I'm pretty sure its the Eater Bunny yup that sounds right and on that topic have you ever wondered what Jesus laugh was like. Was it a belly laugh or one with a snort at the end or even one that sounds like a machine gun going off hmmmm . Anyways as usual I'm getting sidetracked.

Getting back to the point, as it was a shorter drive to SLC I decided to do as much stopping as possible. One of the things I saw that made me stop was these really red cliff thingies so I thought hey I'll do the tourist thing and take some piccies.

So as I was walking over to take this picture of the pretty red rocks a lesbian (because adding the fact that she is a lesbot is important for the over all flow of this story) said "They will come right up to you to get their photo takin" I was like ummm ok pretty sure the mountains will not move. Turns out she was talking about Prairie Dogs. Now when some one says dog I think Lassie or something that walks on for legs and barks not something that looks like a Squirrel with a pipe cleaner for a tail. Well guess what they look like a Squirrel with a pipe cleaner for a tail. As I was sitting on the grass waiting for them to come closer some truck driving lady came over with the thickest southern accent I have ever heard, apparently she is from Georgia. She told me oh they will come to you if you give them crackers and off she went to get me some crackers. Well it was worth it because because I got some really awesome shots.

One of the little buggers bit me too but as I was sitting there feeding them crackers that was the most unnatural colour of orange and I thought to myself ... did I leave the stove on ... no just kidding I thought I have seen these little buggers somewhere before. This is where you can cue the dream wipe that shows a scene of me and Emma sitting in the office watching the following Youtube Clip ...

On second thoughts maybe it isn't the same animal but meh I still love that clip.

So as I have mentioned before I wasn't that excited to be going to Salt Lake City. With it being the Mormons equivalent of the Vatican. But I thought hey its on the way and it looks like it has some truly amazing old buildings. Which it turns out they do have and wow are there some stunners. As I have done on this trip before and will do again I had the completely wrong idea about SLC it is actually a really awesome wee City it forefills my requirements of my fantasy city build in a valley surrounded by snow capped mountains. I can actually see myself living here to be honest and cant wait to come back here to spend some quality time exploring what looks like a truly amazing city.

So after I spend some time wondering around the Temple of the Easter Bunny I set off to find the Council building which pretty much looks like a palace. Rumour has it that they made it look bloody awesome to out shine the Mormon temple.

Anyways as I went wondering down the road to find this palace I walked pass some youths getting of the bus. One of the turned to his mate and said "great the fag fest is still going they make me sick" I thought to myself fag fest I should go investigate this. I was going to ask them to direct me to this "Fag Fest" but thought I would have more luck running head first into a wall, there is some really nice walls in this city. It turned out it wasn't a "Fag Fest" but a Pride Festival, the lesbots don't like being called Faggots. But anyways they where occupying the block that this palace looking council building is on so I thought hey when in Rome (have pizza?) and I went to take part in the festival mostly because there was massive temporary fences up and to truly appreciate this building I had to be on the other side where the "Fag Fest" was in full swing.

I had another moment of excitement when I saw people with signs outside the entrance and I thought yes and got my camera out. It turns out it wasn't God hate Fags signs but I like boys and girls signs held up by the bi community (make up your bloody minds).

So after sitting and watching uncoordinated people trying to dry hump very unsuccessfully to a Lady Gaga song and having my one Vodka and Redbull I thought it was time for me to call it a night. I did see one thing that made me laugh it was a homeless person sitting and begging ....

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