Friday, June 10, 2011

Dreams do come true ...

So today I finally made one of my life long dreams come true, well kind of. Ever since I saw a documentary about Vancouver and Vancouver Island and the Orca's I have always wanted to come here and kayak with them. The only problem was that I came to Canada the wrong time of the year so there was next to no Orca's and the guy at the kayak shop pretty much told me not to wast my time going kayaking in the north part of Vancouver Island. So I took his advice and went on a Whale Watching tour instead, now it annoyed me that they call it Whale watching when we only went out there to see Orca's who are dolphins but anyways I digress.

I'm glad I went on the trip as we saw two Orca's a male and female. The Female poked her head out of the water at one point to see what we were up to. You couldn't really see much of them but my whole point of coming here was to see them in their natural environment. Not splashing around a pool to rock music. So yeah finally I can stop saying one day I will do that and now say ooooh yeah done that.

So after I did the "Whale Watching" I hoped onto a plane to Vancouver. Now this wasn't any normal plane it was a Aquaplane. Personally I find them rather ridiculous and therefore love them. Its is the weirdest feeling motor boating as such down the harbor and then just taking off. Landing is even more freaky as you come in for the landing on water. Hmmm maybe they should make the planes that take off from Wellington Airport Aquaplanes would make me feel saver.

Anyways its 1:16am in the morning I need sleep as tomorrow I will travel into the future.

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