Friday, June 17, 2011

My old office building ...

So in the first earthquake on 4th Sept 2010 we were kicked out of our offices thanks to the building being damaged. Which I'm glad about when you take a look at the building today. As far as I understand it collapsed on the 22nd Feb after the deadly earthquake hit us. But yeah here is some pictures.
In the back of this picture you can see a building with a lot of railings that's a car parking building in front of it is what looks like a grey roof that has collapsed. Thats my old office building you can make out the hand railing for the ladder that went to the top of the roof which was basically above our office. The building was 2 stories high. We were on the top floor.
This is it from the back of the building. If you live in Christchurch the corrogated iron fence to the bottom left is the back area of the former Winnie Bagoes (the building has been demolished already). I'm pretty sure you can actually see into our office (the old studio) in this photo.

Here is a link to more photos taken inside the Red Zone aka our cordon off Central Business District.


  1. Hey roe... I will probably be going into the red zone midweek. Will see if I can get a few pics for you from work. Looking down at the civic.

  2. Is this the old Civic building!? Bridget.

  3. Yup old Civic Building on Manchester .... oooo Bridget who
