Friday, July 6, 2012

Camp Whitehorne ...

As I have mentioned before we decided against settling in Montreal mostly due to the fact we can't speak French and being the province in Canada that's official Language is French it was a small problem for us in the job finding department. So we got a very kind offer from the Whitehorne's to come and stay with them in Ottawa. So we packed Freddie and of we went saying good bye to Montreal for the time being.  

For those playing at home I met the Whitehorne's in the Bahamas in February 2011 when me and Emma tagged along to watch Owen buy a stick , I mean a boat from so questionable people whose female should invest in a bra. 

Lake Whitehorne
Me and Kim fast learn there was rules at the Whitehorne's most of them involving wasting of alcohol actually all of them and failure to adhere to any of these rules resulted in your burial in the back yard. Hence why we started to call their base of operation Camp Whitehorne. Infact if you don't hear from me after this post go check their backyard by the compost heap :P ... Camp Whitehorne is about 30min east of Ottawa in a tiny village with about 6 houses funny enough most of its residents are French but luckily for us they are bilingual. Their property also backs onto a farm so you had uninterrupted views of nothing but farm land.

I think me and Kim ended up staying here for close to two months and in that time we probably gained about 20kg's each thanks to Carole's amazing cooking. However our time here had to end as we finally found a place we could rent for over the summer months. I know I can speak on behalf of Kim when I say words can't express how much it meant to us for them opening up their home and family to us and helping us settle into Ottawa.
They run a tight ship here at Camp Whitehorne

I was actually having a conversation with Carole's daughter the other day when I said I really miss Victoria, however it would be very hard for me to move there and leave Ottawa behind. Jim and Carole have really become like our adoptive Canadian Parents and their family feels like ours now. We love the fact that when there is a family gathering what ever it maybe mostly bonfires at Camp Whitehorne which I highly recommend. But when there is these events we get a Facebook message going 'you coming' or 'coming home soon'.

Me and Kim are still trying to work out a way to thank them but nothing seems to compare to what they have done for us. But until we figure that one out they can just be happy with our ugly mugs ... :)

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