Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ville de Québec ...

Quebec City's skyline from the St Lawrence River
While we were still in Montreal me and Kim decided to head north for the day to go visit Quebec City or more correctly Ville de Québec the mother ship of French Canada. We were told that it is an amazing city and a must see but we were also told this about Montreal and I personally think Montreal is a shit hole. So we drove the 3 odd hours north in hope of something remotely interesting to make the drive worthwhile. When we arrived in Old Quebec City, oh my god what a pleasant surprise it really felt like we were in an actual French city in France. Quebec City can boast being the oldest City in the French America's and is amongst one of the oldest in North America . You can really feel the old world charm there and the fact that everything is in French just adds to it. We only really explored the old city so I can't really comment on what the rest of Quebec City outside of the walls look like but I would really put the old city on my 'Places to go visit again' list.

I must say Canada keeps blowing my mind  and I don't want to sound ignorant but the fact that they speak French in Canada is one of those things that keeps blowing my mind. Not sure why I never factored in the fact that there is French spoken here. I of all people must be more use to this fact, I was born in a "British Colony", South Africa and my mother tongue is Afrikaans not English so it's not any different here really.

Anyway getting back to Quebec City, while we were there we got more bang for our buck then we had expected with a University Student protest near their parliament buildings. The Government of Quebecistan wants to raise the students annual fee, Quebec has the cheapest Uni Fees in all of Canada and they took to the streets to keep it that way. We made ourselves comfortable across the street from the protest and just sat and watched. We couldn't understand a word of what was going on except that they were angry in French at some woman we guessed must have been the Educational Minister Lady Person. The police kept looking at us taking photos of the whole thing and after awhile we decided we should probably leave them to it.

After a long day of exploring the old city and watching protest we made our way back to smelly Montreal and to bed .

Here is some photo's for your viewing pleasure ...

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